Dr. Getnet Yimer
Former Clinical Trials Lead-
Dr. Getnet is Clinical Trials Lead at CDT Africa and Associate Professor of Pharmacology at College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University. He is currently Regional Director for Global One Health Initiative of the Ohio State University in Eastern Africa. He served as Director for Research and Technology Transfer at the College of Health Sciences, Addis Ababa University, and for over 5 years, he worked as fulltime consultant of TB-HIV clinical trials for WHO-TDR for six African countries. Nominated by the Ethiopian Federal Minster of Science and Higher Education, he serves as member of the National Health Research Ethics Review Committee and the National Drug Advisory Committee at the Ethiopian Food and Drug Authority. He also served as a Chair of the Ethiopian National TB advisory committee and is the Chair of AHRI-ALRET Ethics review committee. He served as the Principal Investigator for a number of multi-country projects. He published over 56 articles in international peer reviewed journals and contributed a book chapter.